Term Loans

Does your business need a specific financing need? Sign up for an FirstBank Term Loan designed to provide funding of a specific amount with a specified repayment schedule and a floating interest rate to meet the working capital needs of your business.


  • Maximum amount any business organization can obtain will ultimately be determined by the cash flow from their business
  • Maximum tenor of 36 months
  • Collateral – legal mortgage over property, treasury bills or fixed term deposit



  • Assists businesses manage cash flows
  • Convenient repayment plan (equal monthly or quarterly repayment over 36 months period)
  • Competitive interest rates


Required Documentation

  • Application letter
  • Duly completed loan application form
  • Audited financials
  • Company’s financials
  • Other Banks’ statement of account of 12 months preceding application


Who Can Apply

  • Registered businesses in need of funding

To apply for the Term Loan,

  • Visit the nearest FirstBank Gambia branch

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